The Buzz About Me, Coach Tony

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The Hustler's Digest 

"During his coaching sessions, Tony helps clients discover emotions they may have boxed up. He wants them to be self-aware and use these emotions to build healthier relationships with themselves and those around them. Tony believes that in order for one to make positive life-altering changes, they must start by acknowledging their need to change. This is the first step to building a better version of yourself."

LA Progressive 

"I believe that everyone's purpose is the solution to a problem we are facing or will face in our culture and society. When problems are being solved everyone feels better and our energy and attention is being focused in the right areas," says Tony.

Net News Ledger 

"Tony Barnes – A Meritorious Life Coach Who Is Helping People Acquire a More Positive Outlook on Life"

The Inscriber Mag

"Tony’s journey to success in life coaching was not without hurdles. However, rather than being demoralized, he saw this as an opportunity to reinforce his principle of remaining hopeful in the face of adversity.

“I have failed and learned while building my coaching business. I have failed as a leader over the past 15 years, but I do not bemoan my failures as they have coalesced into elevating me as a strong leader,” stated Tony."

The Tribune Post

Tony’s personal coaching sessions help identify behaviors that hold you back, along with helping you reposition your energy to generate a positive outlook on life. At Auxano Coaching, there are multiple coaching programs, each tailored to meet the client’s demands.

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